First Cause

Does the universe display a personal God?

If you look at the universe you see:
1. Limitless space
2. Unending time
3. Perpetual motion
4. Unbounded variety
5. Infinite complexity

In order for this to be there must be someone to cause it.

1. The First Cause of limitless space must be infinite in extent.
2. The First Cause of unending time must be eternal in duration.
3. The First Cause of perpetual motion must be omnipotent in power.
4. The First Cause of unbounded variety must be omnipresent in the phenomena in all that variety.
5. The First Cause of infinite complexity must be omniscient in intelligence.

If you look at people and life you see:
1. Personality
2. Feeling
3. Will
4. Ethical values
5. Religious values
6. Right and wrong or righteousness
7. Justice
8. Love
9. Life

In order for this to be there must be the God of the Bible.

1. The First Cause of personality must be personal.
2. The First Cause of feeling must be emotional.
3. The First Cause of will must be volitional himself.
4. The First Cause of ethical values must be moral himself. 
5. The First Cause of religious values must be spiritual himself.
6. The First Cause of righteousness must be holy. 
7. The First Cause of justice must be just.
8. The First Cause of love must be loving.
9. The First Cause of life must be living.

Cause and effect

The first cause argument is based around cause and effect. The idea is that everything that exists has something that caused it, there is nothing in our world that came from nothing.

The first cause argument